Lighting Layouts

  • V Pattern

    The Simplest lighting layout is the V pattern. This light pattern only requires 3 rigging points and provides minimal lighting when a small area is need to be lit. Perfect for Small Dance floors, bars or any area minimal lighting is desired.

  • Burst of lights

    A burst of lights is when you add any number of lights to a V pattern. All lights in a burst have a central point leading out to any number of points. Shown below is an example of a 6 Burst of lights. Bursts can offer a large rang of light coverage depending on the number of burst used.

  • Zig - Zag

    Zig Zag is one of the most popular lighting configuration as it can cover small or large areas. Shown below is an example of 300’ of bistro lights covering a 40’x70’ event space.

  • X Pattern

    X pattern lighting are often used for small areas or over dance floors.

  • Triple X Layout

    Expanding on the X pattern, shown below is an example of a Triple X pattern but don’t stop there! Any number of X patterns can be added to expand the lighted area. This lighting design can light large areas with maximal lighting.